Facebook: A Goldmine for Coupons and Freebies
by Maegan on Jul.27, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
Anyone who knows me, knows that lately I am all about couponing. I have learned so much over the last couple of months about how to get all those great deals and tons of free stuff. One thing I have noticed is that the single greatest place to find amazing promotions such as free giveaways, […]

FREE Purex laundry soap
by Maegan on Jul.16, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
These days I am always on the hunt for a great coupon offer or free product sample. Well I found both of these with this fantastic Purex promo! Purex has come out with a new product, Purex with Zout. It is a laundry detergent combined with the triple-enzyme stain-fighting power of Zout® pretreater. If you […]

I got a FREE XBOX!
by Maegan on Jul.10, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
I am pretty impressed with the website I mentioned in my last blog post, FreeCycle.org. I figured ‘what the heck!’, I’ll try posting in the ‘wanted’ section and see what happens. So I posted that I was looking for a free original XBOX since ours broke recently. I assumed it would be a pretty big long […]

Great website for free stuff
by Maegan on Jul.09, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
In my search for free samples and coupons I came across this really great website called Free-cycle. If you have stuff you want to get rid of for free you can post it on this site, and who ever wants it for free will take it off your hands. Conversely you can browse all the […]

Robotics – Intro To PICAXE
by Sam on Jul.06, 2011, under Electronics, Microcontrollers, Picaxe
In my previous post I discussed what a microcontroller is, what a microcontroller consists of, and also a few common types of microcontrollers. In this post I would like to explore the PICAXE microcontroller from Revolution Education Ltd. A PICAXE microcontroller is a standard Microchip PICmicro microcontroller that has been pre-programmed with the PICAXE bootstrap […]

Robotics – Intro To Microcontrollers
by Sam on Jun.29, 2011, under Electronics, Microcontrollers, Picaxe
What is a microcontroller? Well, a microcontroller is a low-cost integrated circuit that contains memory, processing units, and input/output circuitry in a single package. Microcontrollers are purchased ‘blank’ and then programmed with a specific control program. Microcontrollers are usually programmed using the assembler, ‘C’, or Basic programming languages. Once programmed the microcontroller is build into […]