Jackpot Load of FREE Samples!
by Maegan on Aug.14, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
For those of you who are huge free sample lovers, you are about to hit the jackpot! There is a new set of samples available from P&G Brand-Sampler. Every 4 months, P&G Brand-Sampler offers a variety of Proctor and Gamble free product samples for Canadians to try out! It just began a few days ago […]

Want a FREE case of COKE?
by Maegan on Aug.12, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
If you are a Canadian Coca Cola drinker then there is a good chance you already know about iCoke ‘s online rewards program. I myself have just discovered it recently, and wanted to share with you just what I have learned. When you register on Coca Cola’s website, iCoke.ca , you can enter […]

Robotics – Microcontroller ? Microprocessor ? or Microchip?
by Sam on Aug.10, 2011, under Electronics, Microprocessors, Picaxe
I know I promised to talk about the individual PICAXE microcontrollers from Revolution Education Ltd., and to go into detail on the features of each of their products, and I will… However, it was brought to my attention that there is some confusion about the differences between these three terms; microcontroller , microprocessor , and […]

Free Mr Big Bar
by Maegan on Aug.04, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
What is better than a yummy Mr Big chocolate bar? A FREE Mr Big chocolate bar! Mr Big bars are huge here in Canada, no pun intended. 😉 But for those of you who aren’t familiar with them, Mr Big is the largest sized chocolate bar produced by Cadbury, hence the name. It’s actually the […]

Great Free Sample Links I’ve Found…
by Maegan on Aug.01, 2011, under Couponing, Maegan's Deals
I used to hate going and getting the mail. Who wants to open a mailbox full of bills and junk mail? Now I LOVE getting it! I have to confess that sometimes after two days without mail delivery I can start to get a little anxious. I can’t wait for Monday afternoon to come so […]

Green Solar Panel Energy Collection
by Sam on Jul.31, 2011, under Green, Technology
Clean and green. That seems to be the buzz words of the century. With sky rocketing energy prices, pollution, and dwindling resources, more and more people are looking towards alternative energy sources like solar panel energy collection. Also, the prices of key clean energy technologies are plummeting. This is bringing many technologies, such as distributed […]